Holistic Healing Methods
Holistic Healing methods are based on the idea that the human being is whole, not a body composed of separated parts that we can see apart from each other.
On one hand this means that it would be good to treat the person on different levels: body, mind and spirit.
The idea is that a therapy or method will make you whole again. Holistic does not mean alternative automatically, but many times alternative methods are considered to be holistic methods, because they part from the idea that the body and the human being are whole, not like conventional therapies where many times the body part is treated with an operation or with medicines that work straight on that certain body part alone.
Parting from the Holistic idea that everything is connected and has influence, the causes for sickness and health problems can be many. Maybe it is mental, maybe it is your environment, maybe there are social factors, maybe there are genetic reasons, maybe, if you believe in earlier lives, you suffer with traumas from there. Or maybe you suffer from too much stress, or radiation of all the devices that lately many of us use continually like cellphones, computers and tablets, many times we even sleep with them switched on and nearby, not even thinking about the effect of this on the body. The difference with conventional methods is that your doctor probably won’t mention them as a cause of possible problems because it is not officially recognized by science to be so. Parting from the holistic idea, a change in radiation circumstances really could be a cause of certain problems. To compare, when we started to use DDT as insecticide in the fifties, we also were not aware yet of future health problems! So if official science does not recognize a certain cause as a possible health risk, it might simply say that it has not been investigated well yet. Of course we have to take care also that industries have their interests, and that they will move their influences to assure that certain products will not be labelled as harmful for health! Holistic thinking implies that we have to see the bigger picture of things; in this case, it is logic that where there is money, there are interests, and science can be manipulated by that also, being it consciously or unconsciously!
The process of healing can sometimes be a trial and error process once we consider that there could be many causes. It is good to be aware of this, because it will help to think together with your doctor or therapist. Because cure also might come from many different causes, and the interesting part of the holistic methods is that once you change something or start a certain cure, you will be able to feel differences on physical, mental and spiritual level. There is not one therapy that is best, but it is good that you start with something that is more related to your own ideas, convictions and preferences. For example, your approach could be mostly physical if you believe that this is good for you; n that case go exercising or do yoga. But if you believe that the mind is more important in your case and could need some support, get yourself into meditation methods.
On this website we want to orientate you about different ideas, therapies and possibilities. Live is very complex and diverse, and therefore health and health problems can be approached from many sides.