About me

Hey everyone, I am Jan Peter and I have been looking into Holistic Health during a big part of my life.
Because of personal experiences, I got convinced about the relation between the brain and health, at an early stage in my life. Experiences with for example meditation and yoga, fortified that idea. Holistic ideas got my interest since my early adult years, because within an holistic concept it is confirmed that the brain and body are not isolated.
My studies on Agriculture also showed me the value of the holistic principle. One realizes himself that most strategies within both agriculture and medicines are based on wrong assumptions that, already sinceĀ  Newton, have been dominating the scientific world.
So I became aware that this approach is still used as part of the leading paradigm. Many people within our society and in science still think this way, which means that they many times apply “a tunnel vision”, probably withoput realizing it.
When we look for solutions on health problems, we need to take this into account. It is then when one can start to think outside the box. Starting with the whole (holistic!) picture will give you refreshing points of view.

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